Tuesday, June 9, 2009

34 years on the planet...still cannot find a good cheese steak sandwich

34 years ago:
Wheel of Fortune started.
The Pittsburg Steelers won the super bowl.
Charlie Chaplin gets knighted by the queen of England.
The Vietnam War officially ends.

Bill Gates starts a small company named Microsoft.

Jimmy Hoffa disappears.
The last Apollo space flight is conducted by NASA.

Robert E. Lee finally receives a full pardon and is restored to full citizenship.
Saturday Night Live begins on NBC.
The Cincinnati Reds win the world series.
Andrew Dufresne escapes from Shawshank State Prison.
A very unusual boy was born on June 9th (Not an actual picture of boy, but a very good likeness.)


Troy said...

You just haven't looked hard enough for that cheese steak, I know of a few places both locally and across the country. Only one of which is in Salt Lake County and it is on the marginal end.

barlow.stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

jen1313 said...

Very interesting and creative! I'm impressed. and I love you! I'm most blessed with the last event you mentioned.

Cindy Louhoo :) said...

hope you had a very happy birthday!!

Kathleen White said...

Happy Birthday! (better late than never)